Editors and administrators do not necessarily spend their lives in the site management area. To facilitate collective work and follow-up of the site’s life, the system can advise the site’s managers by e-mail of certain events that may occur on the site...
Warning: some hosts disable the automated e-mailing feature. If you face this situation, the following options can not be enabled.
- Follow-up of public forum messages
In order to enable authors to monitor the discussions triggered by their articles, this option offers to automatically forward to the author each message posted to his articles.
If this option is enabled, the author(s) of the article will receive by mail the text of any message posted to their article as well as a reminder of that article’s URL; with one click, the author(s) can then go to the page of the article and if they so choose to, post an answer to that message.
- Monitoring editorial activity
When an article is submitted for validation or published, you can ask SPIP to notify you about it by mail. In this way, participants of the site are informed in real time of any significant developments made to the site.
For a collective site (several editors), we recommend that you create a mailing list of editors (SPIP does not provide the mailing list feature) to which you can post such messages.
- News announcements
This feature provided by SPIP offers to create e-mails of the kind "Latest news": if you enable it and set up the delay between announcements, an e-mail is sent regularly to the specified address, summarising the latest published articles and news.
This feature is very simple to implement: if you enable this option by fixing the delay to 7 days, then once every 7 days, SPIP will send the list of articles and news items published during those 7 days to the specified address.
A "Send now" button triggers the immediate sending of this summary e-mail (and starts a new time interval of 7 days before the next such e-mail will be generated and issued).
You can send this latest news announcement mail to the main webmaster’s address (who will forward it), or, if you prefer fully self-managed sites, you can send the mail to the list of your subscribers (SPIP does not provide the mailing list feature).